Speak for the ocean during the COP21!
From December 2 to 6, the COP21 will wear the ocean’s colors to raise awareness about its major role in the fight against global warming. This action aims at involving as many actors as possible, from civil society to decision-makers including socio-economic actors and the scientific community.
On December 2, an “Ocean” event proposed by France and organized by Peru during the « Resilience » day of the Action Week will permit to enter the ocean on the agenda of actions that are in favor of mitigation and adaptation to the climate change.
On December 3, the “Ocean and Climate Forum” will launch this broad mobilization. During this day, the civil society’s Climate Generations Areas will be dedicated to the ocean. It is the first time the ocean will have such an important part in a Climate COP. Organized by the Ocean and Climate Platform, the Intergovernmental Oceanic Commission (UNESCO) and the Global Ocean Forum, this forum will bring together scientists, economic actors, civil society and youth representatives as well as decision-makers to debate on the many links between ocean and climate. Many side events such as public screenings and animations will accompany this forum. Everyone is welcome to attend the sessions and participate.
10.30-11.00: Welcome and registration
11.00-12.00: Opening session
with Catherine CHABAUD, Ocean and Climate Plateform; Vladimir RYABININ, IOC-UNESCO; Biliana CICIN-SAIN, Global Ocean Forum; Manuel PULGAR-VIDAL, Peruvian Minister for Environment et Ségolène ROYAL, French Minister for Ecology, Sustainable development and Energy
11.50-12.50: Science session
with Françoise GAILL, Coordinator of the scientific committee of the Ocean and Climate Plateform; Lisa LEVIN, SCRIPPS; Jean JOUZEL, IPCC – IPSL / Laurent BOPP, CNRS IPSL; Nadine LE BRIS, Pierre and Marie Curie University – LECOB / Egyptian student; Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG, IPCC – University of Queensland / Jean-Pierre GATTUSO, IPCC – CNRS; Nancy KNOWLTON, Smithsonian Institution / Gilles BOEUF, MNHN; Thorsten KIEFER, Future Earth Paris / Viginie DUVAT, IPCC, Vladimir RYABININ, IOC-UNESCO; Emily PIDGEON, Conservation International / Olivier LAROUSSINIE, Agence des Aires Marines Protégées; Eric KARSENTI, European Molecular Biology Laboratory CNRS – ENS / Marie-Hélène TUSSEAU, Ifremer; Netatua PELESIKOTI, SPREP Samoa / Guigone CAMUS, EHESS; Lisa SVENSSON, Sweden Ambassador for the Oceans / David LEBLANC, UNDESA; Marina SANTANA, University of São Paulo / Chloé ORLAND, University of Cambridge
14.30-15.50: Youth
with Nicolas FREY, Membre du Conseil Régional Jeunesse dʼIle de France; Thibault MOREL, ESSEC – Earth to Ocean); Severn CULLIS-SUZUKI, environment and culture activist (video); Natalya GALLO, Levin Lab – CMBC; Yassir EDDEBAAR, Keeling Lab; Daniel COHN-BENDIT, French politician; Marinella (Philippines)
15.50-17.10: Business and Financial sector
with Brice LALONDE, Global Compact; Paula CABALLERO, World Bank; Anabella ROSEMBERG, Confédération Syndicale Internationale; Maximilien ROUER, Greenflex; Simon BENNETT, International Chamber of Shipping; Christophe CHABERT, French Institute for Energy Transition dedicated to Marine Renewable Energy; Torsten THIELE, Economist and Founder Global Ocean Trust; Serenia BAL, Our Oceans Challenge
17.10-18.30: Institutional and decision makers session
with Pablo BADENIER MARTINEZ, Minister for Environment, Chile; Amena YAUVOLI, Ambassador for Climate Change and Oceans, Fiji; Lisa SVENSSON, Sweden Ambassador for the Oceans; Philippe GERMAIN, Président de la Nouvelle-Calédonie; Heremoana MAMAATUAIAHUTAPU, Polynésie Française; David COOPER, Principal officer, CBD; Colin TUKUITONGA, Director Général, CPS; Monde MAYEKISO, Deputy Director-General of Environmental Affairs, South Africa; Sidi Baba Sid’Ahmed LAHAH, PRCM; Rogier VAN DER SANDE, Vice-President, CPMR
18.30-18.40: Statements for Ocean and Climate
To watch the streaming, click here
On December 4, the “COP21 Oceans Day” will introduce a more institutional sequence. Organized by the Global Ocean Forum with the Intergovernmental Oceanic Commission (UNESCO) and the Ocean and Climate Platform, this conference aims at strengthening States’ ambitions and actions for the oceans within the climate negotiations.
On December 5 and 6, a week-end of animations for the general public and the media on the links between ocean and climate will take place all around Paris. The objective of these two days is to expand the global mobilization for the oceans within the climate negotiation.
Download the full program, click here