Participatory-science activities: volunteer citizens carry out autonomous field measurements based on a simple protocol developed by the LGO (monitoring of the layout, monitoring of coastal sedimentation and the evolution of the dune vegetation). This participatory science approach makes citizens aware of their responsibilities by improving their knowledge and understanding of natural phenomena related to the coastline and the functioning of its ecosystems. In parallel to the OCLM protocol, CoastSnap stations are installed on the beach, allowing anyone to follow the evolution of the coastline by taking a simple photo with their smartphone.
Workshops (2021-2022): The organization of public meetings and participatory workshops will require the collaboration of the inhabitants and will gather the main stakeholders to debate on coastal management and coastal risks. These workshop-debates will organize a dialogue between researchers, inhabitants and local actors and address the following themes “Coastal management and adaptation strategies: what vision for the coast of Gâvres in 50 years; The memory of the past, revealing the challenges of the territory and the impacts of climate change”.
Field trip on the beach for educational purposes (2021-2022)
Questionnaires/surveys to evaluate users’ perceptions (inhabitants, local actors) on coastal risks and the adaptation techniques installed.
Mobile application (2021-2022): Information and awareness tool on the coastal issues of Gâvres
Communication via OCLM’s social networks