Taking action in the face of sea level rise: a Map of Solutions for coastal cities and territories
This year, World Cities Day theme “Adapting Cities for Climate Resilience” reflects rising concern over the challenges coastal cities and territories have to face. IPCC’s latest report reasserts that sea level rise could exceed one meter by the end of the century if greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue to grow (SSP5-8.5). These projections are even more causes for alarm that nearly 70% of the global urban population could be living on the coast by 2025. Sea level rise and related extreme events are direct threats to a rich biodiversity and inhabitants whose history, culture and economic activities are closely intertwined with the coast. Although reducing GHGs emissions remains the priority to limit the extent of the phenomenon, the IPCC emphasises that “sea level is committed to rise for centuries to millennia“. Therefore, coastal cities and territories must urgently adapt and design new ways of living on the coast.
Ahead of COP26, it is more than ever time to support and facilitate a transition that, albeit being complex, is essential to implement. In line with this objective, the Sea’ties initiative of the Ocean & Climate Platform announces the launch of the “Map of Solutions“.
A platform of practical solutions
The Map of Solutions gathers 70 initiatives across the world, listing the actions implemented to address erosion, limit the impacts of storm surges or fight against soil salinization. Against these risks, there is no one-size-fits-all response capable of tackling the multitude of issues specific to each city and territory. Hence, the Map of Solutions brings together a variety of ambitious initiatives that combine different approaches ranging from protection responses, nature-based solutions, managed-retreat policies, research projects to capacity building and knowledge sharing activities.
Sharing experiences to step up coastal resilience
The Map of Solutions provides project leaders with concrete feedback, highlighting the outcomes, the takeaways, as well as cautionary remarks so that stakeholders can take action. The Map of Solutions is intended for territorial managers, citizens, elected officials and economic actors, and allows them to direct their research according to their needs and resources. Going forward, the platform will collect and connect an ever-growing number of projects and stakeholders willing to share their experiences or be inspired by those already implemented.
Mobilizing the international community to accelerate the adaptation of coastal territories
Adapting and enhancing the resilience of cities and territories to sea level rise builds on a long-term approach that integrates several spatial scales and a wide range of social and environmental concerns. Indeed, adaptation entails a strong political commitment combined with the coordination of local, national and international governance frameworks.
This October 31st, the UNFCCC COP26 starts in Glasgow. Arguably the most important international climate event since COP21; it offers an unprecedented opportunity for decision-makers to step up action. As states should submit their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to reach the Paris Agreement’s goals, raising mitigation and adaptation commitments will be pivotal in making this COP26 a historic milestone. The Sea’ties initiative of the Ocean & Climate Platform will participate in this decisive event and calls for meaningful actions to accelerate coastal cities’ adaptation, using the Map of Solutions to highlight responses already implemented.