GIP Littoral Nouvelle Aquitaine

Nouvelle-Aquitaine – France

Project leader : GIP Littoral

Dates : 2006-2027







With a coastline of 970 km and four islands, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine’s shoreline is an emblematic space that stands out for the quality of its landscapes and the living environment it offers. The coast is home to more than one million inhabitants, over a distance of 30 to 50 km along the Atlantic Ocean. Fragile and highly attractive, the coastline is conducive to developments and management policies.

The GIP Littoral is a reflection, coordination and support tool designed for the preservation, development, and management of coastal areas. Its ambition is to support the transition of Nouvelle-Aquitaine’s coastline. The members of the GIP are: the State, the Regional Council of Nouvelle Aquitaine, the Départements of Charente-Maritime, Gironde, Landes and Pyrénées-Atlantiques and the 16 coastal inter-municipalities: CC Ile de Ré, CA La Rochelle, CC Ile d’Oléron, CA Rochefort-Océan, CC Bassin de Marennes, CC Royan Atlantique, CC Médoc Atlantique, CC Médullienne, CA Bassin d’Arcachon Nord, CA Bassin d’Arcachon Sud, CC Grands Lacs, CC Mimizan, CC Côte Landes Nature, CC Maremne Adour Côte Sud, CC Seignanx, CA Pays Basque. The GIP relies on a team of 8 people working in a transversal way and in interoperability whose expertise allows the implementation of engineering methods in 4 main fields: the organization of the shoreline, the management of the coastal strip, the sustainable tourist development, and the preservation of natural habitats.

As part of the strategy “2030 Coastline: making a success out of the transition of Nouvelle-Aquitaine’s coast”, the GIP deploys its expertise and offers a technical support to all its members in four main areas: coastal zone organization, coastline management, sustainable tourism planning, natural areas preservation.


The members of the GIP Littoral have developed partnership-based working arrangements to open up new scopes of action given the development and sustainable management of the shoreline. These mechanisms supporting project managers play a major role in the GIP’s toolbox, alongside the production of knowledge and data, as well as coordination and sharing activities. 

A local coastal zone strategy enables the sustainable management of the coastal environment. The project works across eight action domains: knowledge and culture of risk, monitoring and forecasting of potential hazards, alert and crisis management, risk integration in urban planning, vulnerability reduction and managed retreat, process’ supports as well as active, flexible and improved resilience, piloting and leading the local strategy.

The Sustainable Development of coastal resorts and territories approaches offer a reference framework to support the initiatives led by local authorities to enable the development and adaptation of tourist resorts and territories to a changing climate, environmental, social, economic and urban challenges. These sustainable development approaches seek to provide a framework for the future development of each territory and define a strategic vision proposing planning in time and space of the actions to be undertaken to implement a coherent and sustainable development project. 

The Beach Plan provides a systemic approach and a development programme according to different issues: the safety of the sites and the protection of people, the inclusion of coastal evolutions, the preservation of natural spaces and landscapes, the sustainable management of the site, the development of soft transportation, the quality of public reception, the supervision of sports and educational practices and activities.

The second pillar of the GIP littoral toolbox is the production of knowledge and data. It entails the undertaking of regional studies about the demography, the land use, the natural, agricultural and forest areas, and the outdoors of the hotel industry. It also brings support to the development of planning tools (Scot, PLUi …), monitoring processes (SRADDET, DSF …) and innovative projects (mobile rescue station in maritime pine).

The third pillar of the toolbox lies in all the actions carried out around coordination and sharing activities. Thus, the GIP undertakes the animation of technical groups and networks of actors, the organization of thematic days, the technical and regulatory monitoring, as well as the follow-up of financial frameworks to support the operational output of the communities’ projects. The search for additional partnerships with financial institutions (Banque des Territoires), research and economy or other public organizations in line with the missions it carries out (Conservatoire du Littoral, ONF, BRGM, GIP Atgeri, ADI, …) is also at the heart of GIP’s objectives.


As of December 1st, 2020, Soulac-Montalivet, Lacanau, Mimizan, Lège Cap-Ferret, La Teste de Buch, Biscarrosse, Capbreton and the Pays Basque agglomeration have developed a local erosion strategy, and are now in the operational implementation phase of their local strategy’s action program. In Charente-Maritime, some territories are also committed to this approach concerning the risk of erosion. 

In regards to the Sustainable Development of the Resorts and coastal areas, the first achievements are underway or completed. In Audenge, the municipality is committed to restoring its main accommodation offer in line with the territory’s eco-tourism positioning. In Mimizan, the path around the lake has been finalized. In Bidart, work on the greenway along the Uhabia valley has been completed. In Seignosse, the redevelopment of Penon beach’s head was completed in 2019. As part of the upgrading project in Lacanau, the first works on the seafront and seaside shopping alley are planned for 2022. Likewise, actions are scheduled in Soustons, Guéthary, Saint Jean de Luz and Moliets. To date, 19 beach plans have been the subject of requalification work in Saint Julien en Born, Seignosse, Messanges, Moliets, Léon, Lit et Mixe, Gastes, Biscarrosse, Le Porge, Grand-Village, Vieux Boucau, Lacanau and Bidart.


Technical partners: State services, regional and local authorities, universities and scientific institutions, Conservatoire du Littoral, ONF, BRGM
