In order to celebrate World Oceans Day, the Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial organizes on June 8th at Domaine du Rayol (Var) a scientific conference and an exhibition on the ocean as a climate regulator.
To celebrate World Oceans Day, the Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial organizes a special event on the role of marine and coastal ecosystems in climate regulation, in collaboration with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Tara Expeditions Foundation. This event is also organized with the help of the Ocean and Climate Platform and has been sponsored by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.
Several events will take place at Domaine du Rayol, including a scientific conference and the inauguration of the exhibition “L’océan, régulateur du climat” (“The ocean, a climate regulator”), which will display treasures of marine and coastal biodiversity; as well as a scientific argumentation on the necessity to preserve both oceans and coasts for their key role in climate regulation.
The invitation-only conference will start at 1pm. It will focus on the critical role that ecosystems play in the climate machine and will contribute to highlight scientific research pertaining to the relationship between the ocean and the climate, especially by building bridges between actors from civil society, the scientific world and institutions.
At the end of the day, starting at 5pm, there will be a private viewing of the exhibition “L’Océan, régulateur du climat” (“The Ocean, a climate regulator”). This exhibition will take place in the presence of many scientific partners who have contributed to the report “Marine ecosystems in climate regulation”, coordinated by the FFEM in 2015, as well as in the presence of the plastic artist Céline Bricard who drew the watercolor and ink illustrations of the report. The private viewing is invitation only.
The exhibition is open to the public and targets those interested in environmental preservation. It will remain accessible within the precincts of the Domaine du Rayol until the end of September.