In June, the United Nations will host their very first Ocean Conference in their headquarters in New York City. In order to develop “SDG 14” : the Sustainable Development Goals about the Ocean, many countries and organizations will be together to talk about the Ocean Initiatives that we should support nowadays.
The Ocean & Climate platform and its members will be there to contribute at this very important meeting for our planet. On June 7, from 3pm to 4pm30, we will organize a Side Event called “A healthy ocean, a protected climate”. Find out the themes and register below:
The Ocean, the Agenda 2030 and UN SDGs |
3.05 pm – 3.15 pm | Elliott HARRIS, Assistant Secretary General, United Nations |
The science knowledge on the links between Ocean challenges and Climate |
3.15 pm – 3.30 pm | What are the ocean challenges ? What role for SCOR ?
Marie-Alexandrine SICRE, President, Scientific Committee for Oceanic Research (SCOR) Scientific gaps and research investments Salvatore ARICO, IOC-UNESCO |
Ocean and Climate Initiatives in the implementation of SDG14 |
3.30 pm – 3.55 pm | Resilience of marine ecosystems and blue carbon
Dorothee HERR, IUCN ; International Blue Carbon Initiative |
Movie on the coral reef bleaching | |
Adressing Ocean Acidification
Ken ALEX, State of California; International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification Coastal zones and communities adaptation to climate change Benoît BOSQUET, World Bank |
Implementing the Paris Agreement : integrate the Ocean in the NDCs and the Global Climate Action Agenda |
3.55 pm – 4.10 pm | Roadmap on Ocean and Climate Action
Biliana CICIN SAIN, Global Ocean Forum The States mobilization on Ocean and Climate Isauro TORRES NEGRI, Ambassador for Environment and Oceanic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile ; Representative of the Because the Ocean initiative |
4.10 pm – 4.20 pm | Live message of young Fijian from Tara |
Conclusion |
4.20 pm – 4.30 pm | Lisa SVENSSON, Director for UN Environment’s Ocean and Marine Programs
Moderated by Françoise Gaill and Eric Banel, Ocean and Climate Platform.
To register, click here.
Any questions? contact us.