The Bayshore Bikeway Resiliency Project (Project) will retrofit a 1.2 segment of the San Diego Bayshore Bikeway (Bikeway). The project seeks to repurpose the existing bikeway into a multi-benefit coastal resilience corridor that protects multiple vulnerable communities, a state highway, and the Bikeway itself from current and future coastal flooding while improving coastal access and adding transitional habitat areas along the bay edge.
To accomplish these objectives, the project will develop concepts using a variety of nature-based features and adaptation strategies including a Living Levee: Elevate the Bikeway using a living levee concept and ecotone slope to increase community and ecosystem resilience to sea level rise.
It also foresees the construction of a stormwater treatment wetland. An evaluation will be conducted on the use of a stormwater treatment system to accommodate excessive rainfall that will be increasingly difficult to manage within the disadvantaged residential community. The system may include a wet pond, treatment wetland/detention basin and pump station.