First French American Climate Talks: FACTO

A joint initiative between the Ocean & Climate Platform and the Embassy of France in the United States, the first FACT-O conference was held at Miami Dade College to raise awareness on climate change impacts on coral reefs and ocean biodiversity. Not only that, but what better opportunity now than to visit Tara, the boat that anchored in…

WORLD OCEANS DAY 2016 From the Paris Agreement to action

Celebrated every year, on June 8th, World Oceans Day was the opportunity for the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the Ocean & Climate Platform to point out oceans ’crucial part regarding sustainable development and climate related issues. Decision-makers, experts, private sector representatives, NGOs and nonprofit organizations -gathered at UNESCO headquarters (in Paris) for a…

Our objectives

1. Mobilization – Mobilizing and coordinating a network The OCP is committed to making the voice of civil society heard and participates in the mobilization of ocean stakeholders on ocean, climate and biodiversity issues. It coordinates a strong network of more than 70 members from various sectors. Thanks to their expertise and involvement, the OCP…

Participate in the World Oceans Day at UNESCO!

For the third consecutive year , the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and the Ocean & Climate Platform have planned a day of conferences for the World Oceans Day At UNESCO, in Paris, on June 8th. This day will begin with events and an Open Campus for the young public on the topic of plastic at…

Exhibition “L’Océan, régulateur du Climat” in Paris

In order to celebrate World Oceans Day, the Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial organizes on June 8th at Domaine du Rayol (Var) a scientific conference and an exhibition on the ocean as a climate regulator. To celebrate World Oceans Day, the Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial organizes a special event on the role of marine…

The IPCC emphasizes the ocean as a major issue and dedicates a Special Reports to the latter 

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), gathered in Nairobi from April 11 to 13 during its 43rd plenary session, set its work program for the 6th assessment cycle. The Ocean is a major priority, with a Special Report, dedicated to interactions between climate, ocean and the cryosphere. This Special Report on the Ocean, one of the major lines of the Ocean & Climate Platform’s…