COP21 : The Ocean has joined the great climate negotiation entente

After many years of hard work and negotiations, the climate agreement approved in Paris on Saturday December 12 is a historical moment for the planet: it lays the basis of a gradual transition toward a green and non-carbonated economy. The deal has definitely changed for the Ocean. This mention appeared in the preamble of the…

Feedback on the #OceanforClimate days : an unprecedented mobilization for the Ocean

From December 2 to December 6, the Ocean & Climate Platform organized the #OceanForClimate Days , a vast mobilization at the Bourget and in Paris to raise awareness amongst negotiators, institutions, the scientific and economic communities as well as the general public about the major role of the ocean as a climate regulator and the…

Watch live the Ocean & Climate Forum on December 3

Be sure to attend the Ocean for Climate Days main event at Le Bourget: The Ocean Day at COP21! December 3, The civil society Climate Generations areas will be entirelly dedicated to the “ocean” theme, including the Ocean & Climate Forum organized by the Ocean & Climate Platform.  A first in the history of the climate…

9 policy recommandations for the Ocean

“Taking action for a healthy ocean and a preserved climate” On the brink of COP 21, the Ocean Climate Platform discloses its recommendations While COP 21 is inaugurating a new phase of commitment on climate, the Ocean Climate Platform disclosed the content of its advocacy at the November 12th 2015 press release- in the presence…

#OceanforClimate days: a week of events for the Ocean in Paris and Bourget

Speak for the ocean during the COP21! From December 2 to 6, the COP21 will wear the ocean’s colors to raise awareness about its major role in the fight against global warming. This action aims at involving as many actors as possible, from civil society to decision-makers including socio-economic actors and the scientific community. On…