What ocean for tomorrow? Marine ecosystems in a changing climate – Insights from the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report

Today, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) Synthesis Report. Latest publication of a series of reports compiling the most recent scientific knowledge on climate change, this synthesis sounds the alarm about the unprecedented acceleration of climate change, its impacts on land and sea, and the increasing exposure and…

Unlocking financial flows for building resilient coastal cities

Unlocking financial flows for building resilient coastal cities   The US Inflation Reduction Act made a splash in the climate news. Over the next decade, the landmark legislation will allocate nearly $370 billion for climate and clean energy: a significant step in decarbonizing the US economy. A part of this package, $2.6 billion, will be dedicated to…

The “No Paris without Montreal” declaration: At COP15, 86 organisations call on world leaders to right the ship for the the ocean and its biodiversity

Photo by IISD/ENB Mike Muzurakis   The 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will take place from 7 to 19 December in Montreal, Canada. This COP is expected to adopt the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, a roadmap to guide action to halt biodiversity loss by 2030 and achieve…

Identifying a ‘blue ambition loop’ to accelerate ocean-based climate action

Identifying a ‘blue ambition loop’ to accelerate ocean-based climate action   The ocean can ensure food security, clean water, energy transition, livelihoods, as well as significant  economic benefits for people around the world,  from coastal to landlocked countries. It can act as a natural  buffer against climate impacts and is essential to the maintenance of…