Ocean acidification: what impact will more extreme seasonal variations have?

According to a study carried out by researchers at the LSCE (CEA-CNRS-UVSQ), by the end of the twenty-first century, seasonal changes in ocean acidification (pH) will be amplified, possibly even doubling. The seasonality of pH levels, which, until now, was thought to be favorable to marine organisms’ ability to adapt to global warming, may in…

Diatoms are efficient transporters of carbon to the deep oceans

The oceans play a major role in climate regulation, especially because they are able to exchange carbon dioxide (CO2) with the atmosphere. Biological processes are helpful for picking up CO2 in the surface waters. Indeed, thank to photosynthesis microalgae elaborate organic carbon by picking up CO2 in the surface waters. Because organic matter is denser…

International Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change

The 4th International Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans (ECCWO) under PICES, ICES-CIEM, FAO & IOC UNESCO will take place in Washington June 4-8, 2018. The Deep -Ocean Stewardship Inititiative (DOSI) and the Deep-Ocean Observing strategy (DOOS), member initiative of the Ocean and Climate Initiatives Alliance (OCIA), will lead during…

The Ocean revealed, a new scientific book about the Ocean

The ocean covers 70% of the surface of our planet, it plays a major role in regulating the Earth’s climate and is home to a multitude of species, many of which we have yet to discover. The ocean is crucial for the functioning of life on Earth. With global change, many issues have emerged, and…

Cyclones and climate change

After the dramatic consequences of hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria and Jose, this year in 2017, understanding the origins of such extreme events is of growing importance.  What is the nexus between cyclones, the Ocean, and climate change? Tropical cyclones, also called hurricanes in the North Atlantic Ocean[1], are violent perturbations, or atmospheric depressions. The “eye”…