Blue Ambition Loop: Accelerating Ocean-based Solutions to deliver on Nature and Climate
Mobilising the Marrakesh Partnership for Global Climate Action on Ocean & Coastal Zones
Over the years, the role of non-State actors in raising ambition for climate action under the leadership of the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions has grown exponentially. Today, keeping this momentum going with partners such as WWF, IUCN, Ocean Conservancy, UN Foundation, FAO, and Ørsted among others, global experts are meeting in Dubai under the auspices of the Ocean & Coastal Zones group of the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MP-GCA) to discuss ways of accelerating ocean-based solutions to deliver on nature and climate. Inspired by the ‘Blue Ambition Loop’ approach, this meeting aims at identifying “Breakthroughs” to be achieved by 2030 in five key ocean sectors. These Ocean Breakthroughs, which can be understood as sectoral objectives to guide the delivery of nature-positive and net-zero actions, and in turn raise the ambition of governments, will flow into the UN Climate Change conferences, including the 2023 Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue (Bonn, 13-14 June), COP 28 (Dubai, 30 November – 12 December) and most especially the Global Stocktake that will conclude at the end of the year.
While there is growing recognition of the ocean’s potential as a powerful source of solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change, much remains to be done to accelerate and scale up ocean-based climate action. In light of recent global agreements such as the Global Biodiversity Framework and the High Seas Treaty, the ocean-climate community is now at an important crossroad to revise the vision inherited from COP 21 (Paris, 2015) and collectively shape the next milestones to safeguard our Blue Planet.
With this objective in mind, the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions (HLCs) and the Ocean & Climate Platform on behalf of the MP-GCA Ocean & Coastal Zones are convening global experts in Dubai, with the support of WWF International and Emirates Nature-WWF. This strategic meeting will aim at defining a set of ocean pathways to drive the transition towards a net-zero world and position the ocean in critical climate negotiations, such as the Global Stocktake.
Non-State actors of the ocean & coastal zones community: a driver to deliver on a nature-positive and net-zero future
The Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MP-GCA), mandated by the Paris Agreement, provides a unique space for non-state actors to convene, raise ambition and showcase concrete solutions to deliver on the climate goals.
To this end, and in line with the Roadmap for an Improved Marrakech Partnership 2021-2025 which calls for the operationalisation of action from civil society, the Ocean & Coastal Zones group – led by Loreley Picourt, Focal Point for the MP-GCA Ocean & Coastal Zones, and Ignace Beguin, Ocean Lead at the Climate Champions Team – have decided to set the tone by catalysing ocean action around 5 sectors: (1) marine conservation, (2) ocean renewable energy, (3) ocean-based transport, (4) aquatic food and (5) coastal tourism, to deliver on a fair, nature-positive and net-zero future.
This vision was further embedded through the development of the “Blue Ambition Loop” approach – i.e the positive feedback loop in which bold government policies and non-state actor leadership reinforce each other, as showcased in the Blue Ambition Loop report launched at COP 27, in Sharm el Sheikh.
In the spirit of the Marrakech Partnership, the Blue Ambition Loop approach can only be effectively deployed through meaningful collaborations among stakeholders and across sectors. To support this effort, key partner organisations of the MP-GCA Ocean & Coastal Zones have stepped up to take the lead in the five key sectors of ocean-climate action. A group of ten Sector Leads has been created, supported by Special Advisors on Science, Finance, Governance and Inclusivity to ensure an interdisciplinary and cross-cutting approach.

Core Group of the MP-GCA Ocean & Coastal Zones: Sectors Leads and Special Advisors (work in progress)
For the first time, the Core Group of the MP-GCA Ocean & Coastal Zones is coming together for an in-person workshop in Dubai, starting today from May 31st until June 2nd. The 3-day meeting will focus on identifying opportunities to scale-up and accelerate ocean-based climate solutions by co-designing five Sectoral ‘Ocean Breakthroughs’ – i.e. a moment that marks a significant advance in the transformation of an economic sector or natural system – along with concrete and quantified objectives, specific actions, and key enablers to achieve them. The 2030 Mangrove Breakthrough sets a great example of what to expect from those discussions.
Outcomes of the Dubai workshop will serve as inputs to advance the ocean-climate narrative in the run-up to COP 28. During their stay, the Core Group of the MP-GCA Ocean & Coastal Zones will have the unique opportunity to meet with H.E. Razan Al Mubarak, UN Climate Change High Level Champion from the COP 28 Presidency, to share their collective expectations and ensure the ocean is high on the agenda of the upcoming climate conferences.
The next stops to leverage the ocean-climate narrative: the 2023 Ocean & Climate Change Dialogue and UNFCCC COP28
The next step for the MP-GCA Ocean & Coastal Zones will be the Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue that is to take place in Bonn, Germany, on 13-14 June 2023, under the aegis of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA). Building on the outcomes of the first two editions of the Dialogue (in 2020 and 2022), Parties to the UNFCCC agreed at COP 27 to strengthen the mandate of the Dialogue, and appointed two co-facilitators — namely Julio Cordano (Chile) and Niall O’Dea (Canada) for a 2-year mandate. Following a wide consultation, the co-facilitators have selected (1) Coastal ecosystem restoration, including blue carbon ecosystems, and (2) Fisheries and food security as the focus areas to be discussed during this year’s dialogue. The MP-GCA Ocean & Coastal Zones will join these important discussions, and take this opportunity to launch the 5 Sectoral Breakthroughs for ocean-climate action.
Ultimately, the work of the MP-GCA Ocean & Coastal Zones in 2023 aims at informing the Global Stocktake and ensuring ocean-based climate solutions are duly included in the process. The first ever Global Stocktake (GST) – the mechanism under the UNFCCC which aims at taking stock of the implementation of the Paris Agreement – will resume at COP 28 (30 November-12 December). Outcomes of the GST will inform the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), giving Parties the opportunity to effectively update and increase their ambition. Having the ocean as an integral part of the GST would therefore ensure better consideration of its potential to enhance climate action in countries’ national strategies.
Swimming the talk is a collective effort. The MP-GCA Ocean & Coastal Zones, truthful to its mandate, is determined to raise the profile of ocean-climate action led by non-state actors, which are crucial to raise the ambition of Parties and ensure we keep the 1.5°C target within reach.
Authors: Loreley Picourt, Ocean & Climate Platform, and Ignace Beguin, Climate Champions Team
With the contribution of: Cyrielle Lâm (Ocean & Climate Platform), Fabio Scaffidi-Argentina (Climate Champions Team), Clémentine Laurent (Emirates Nature-WWF), Merh Amin (Emirates Nature-WWF)
Click on the image below to access the summary report of the ocean-climate strategic retreat.