For the third consecutive year , the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and the Ocean & Climate Platform have planned a day of conferences for the World Oceans Day At UNESCO, in Paris, on June 8th.
This day will begin with events and an Open Campus for the young public on the topic of plastic at sea and climate. In addition, there will be conference open to all on the topic of Ocean and Climate issues.
From COP21 to COP22, this day will be an opportunity to pursue the mobilization for the recognition of the importance of the ocean in the climate machine and the integration of the Ocean in the implementation of the the Paris Agreement.
Discover the full program:
9:30am – 11am | Unesco Ocean Campus
Mobilization of middle school students regarding Ocean issues with a focus on climate and plastic issues. With the participation of Tara Foundation and Surfrider Foundation Europe
10.30am – 11am | Registration of participants for the World Ocean’s Day |
11am- 1pm | Climate : The ocean, as part of the solution
Impacts and issues of the mobilization of civil society for the integration of the ocean in the Paris Agreement and its implementation. Mobilization priorities and agenda in regards to COP22.
· From COP 21 to COP 22 : How the mobilization of civil society has enabled the integration for the Ocean in the Paris Agreement ? What mobilization for the implementation of the Agreement? · From committments to the implementation of solutions : What are the priorities and what is the agenda for the Ocean community?
Moderators : Ludovic Frère Escoffier and Antidia Citores, Ocean and Climate Plateform
Gilles Bœuf, Climate Counselor for the Minister for Environment, Energy and the Sea and President of COP21 Jean Jouzel, Climatologist and glaciologist, Former IPCC Vice-President Abdelmalek Faraj, Director-General, INRH, President Rafismer Kirk Sato, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Louise Ras et Cédric Courson, FACT-O (French-American Climate Talks on Ocean) Carole Martinez, IUCN Waldemar Coutts, Director of Environment and Ocean Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile |
2:30pm – 3:45pm | Conference in honor of Roger Revelle – Ocean Acidification
Ken Caldeira, Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science |
3pm30 – 4pm30 | Ocean science communication
Mobilize society and stakeholders for an efficient communication of marine science
Moderator : Steve Hall, Vice-President of the IOC Bureau
Nancy Baron, Director of Science Outreach at COMPASS Giovanni Coppinni, Director of the Ocean Predictions and Applications Division at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Pasquine Albertini, Ocean and Climate Platform Presentation of the IOC new website for the World Ocean’s Day – Vinicius Lindoso, IOC Web Editor
4pm30 – 5pm30 | From the Agreement to the action
The role of the ocean and marine science in the implementation of international agreements by 2030
Review of major international frameworks adopted in 2015 ( Agenda 2030 on sustainable development, Paris Agreement, UNFCCC,etc), renew the comittment regarding relevant oceanic matters, draw a program for their implementation in the next few year
Moderator : Vladimir Ryabinin, Secrétaire exécutif de la COI Irina Bokova, Director- General of UNESCO Gilles Boeuf, Climate Counselor for the Minister for the Environment, Energy and the Sea, President of COP 21 Lisa Svensson, Ambassador for Oceans, Sweden Petteri Taalas, Secretary General at World Meteorological Organization Peter Haugan, President of IOC Jean-Louis Chaussade, Chief Executive Officer, SUEZ Françoise Gaill, Coordinator of Scientific Committee of the Ocean and Climate Platform |
This event is labeled COP22.