Policy Brief – Adapting coastal cities and territories to sea level rise
The coasts are emblematic spaces of the upheavals due to climate change. The Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC predicts that by 2100, sea level could rise above one meter while the related extreme events could become more frequent if greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue to increase (SSP5-8.5). Yet, the demographic pressure on the coasts intensifies with more than 70% of the world’s urban population expected to live on the coasts by 2025.
In this regard, the Ocean & Climate Platform organised on April 13th 2021, the an Ocean & Climate Conference on the topic of “Adapting coastal cities and territories to rising sea levels”, bringing together a panel of experts including Hélène Rey-Valette, Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Montpellier, Gérard Blanchard, Vice-President of the Urban Community of La Rochelle, Anne-Sophie Leclère, Chief Executive Officer of the Association Nationale des Elus du Littoral, Matthias Bigorgne, Deputy Director of the Conservatoire du Littoral and Raphaël Cuvelier, Vice-President of the Ocean & Climate Platform.
Following this conference, the Ocean & Climate Platform releases its latest Policy Brief “Adapting coastal cities and territories to sea level rise”. This brief addresses the range of difficulties that stakeholders are confronted with in adapting to sea level rise, before giving the keys to a sustainable restructuring of coastal territories. While the lack of scientific knowledge, political and financial means, and cognitive biases can delay or prevent action, a consultative, dynamic, hybrid and inclusive approach can allow the design of tailored and sustainable solutions and ultimately strengthen the resilience of coastal areas to sea level rise.
This process can be facilitated through the sharing of experiences. With this in mind, the Sea’ties initiative, led by the Ocean & Climate Platform, is releasing a brand new Map of Solutions. This interactive tool lists initiatives implemented all over the world to strengthen the resilience of coastal territories to the risks associated with rising sea levels (more info).
To read the full Policy Brief, click on the image below