On the eve of World Ocean Day, the 10th anniversary of the OCP and ahead of the 10th anniversary of the Paris Agreement, IDDRI, in collaboration with the Ocean & Climate Platform, is taking stock of a decade of action for the ocean, climate and biodiversity. While recent years have been marked by the gradual and ongoing integration of the ocean into the institutional climate landscape, the publication ‘Integrating the ocean into the climate regime: Progress report and future prospects’ aims to assess the efforts made to integrate the ocean into the climate regime, and to identify ways of stepping up action.

The original article is published on the IDDRI website.

Integrating the ocean into the climate regime: Future prospects

Initiated at COP 21 in 2015, the process of ‘setting the agenda’, aimed at integrating the Ocean into the regime of the Climate Convention (UNFCCC), was finalised in 2021 with the Glasgow Pact. This step paved the way for the Ocean to make a legitimate contribution to climate efforts, particularly evident in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). However, with the next round of NDCs due to be communicated by the end of 2025, it will be essential to assess their ambition in relation to climate targets, rather than simply evaluating the inclusion of ocean-related elements: while the integration of marine issues is crucial, an NDC without ambitious emission reduction targets and measures remains ineffective.

Avenues have also been explored within the framework of the Climate Convention, and progress is possible on several points on the agenda, from adaptation to research and financing. On this last point, we need to be cautious when calling for the integration of ‘blue carbon’ into market instruments. Recent scientific work has highlighted several problems affecting the reliability of carbon accounting in coastal ecosystems. In addition, a purely climate-focused approach aimed at maximising the climate change mitigation capacity of marine ecosystems runs the risk of omitting crucial safeguards needed to protect their biological diversity. It is also in the light of this requirement to preserve the marine environment that current and future projects for the capture, elimination and storage of marine carbon must be assessed.

Key messages

  • In terms of integration of marine issues, analysis shows that (i) NDCs vary considerably from one to another; (ii) commitments frequently lack precision, lacking quantified objectives and failing to reference the means allocated for implementation; (iii) the mitigation measures proposed do not sufficiently exploit the ocean’s potential. While Parties are now beginning to review and update their NDCs, due nine to twelve months ahead of COP30 (November 2025, Brazil), it is crucial to correct the course.


  • The Ocean and Climate Dialogue has become the main entry point for fostering international cooperation to support the integration of ocean-based action for both mitigation and adaptation purposes. However, it is regarded by many as more of a stakeholders’ workshop, with limited attendance of delegates. It is therefore necessary to make it more attractive for climate negotiators.


  • Initiated at COP21 in 2015, the “agenda-setting” process, aimed at integrating the ocean into the UNFCCC regime, was finalized in 2021 with the COP26 Glasgow Pact. The 2023 Global Stocktake has ushered in a new phase, and there are several options for States to further anchoring the ocean into UNFCCC agenda items.


  • Since COP21 in particular, civil society has played a pivotal role in supporting States to integrate the ocean into the climate regime. Following the Global Stocktake that encouraged increased collaboration between Parties and non-Party stakeholders, it is imperative to support the active engagement of non-State actors and foster their contribution to the Paris Agreement goals.
  • A solely climate-focused approach, aimed at maximizing the mitigation capabilities of marine ecosystems, risks overlooking crucial safeguards necessary for protecting their biological diversity. Therefore, ocean-based carbon dioxide removal projects must be considered in light of the precautionary principle.

This work was supported by the Oceano Azul Foundation. This publication is the sole responsibility of the co-authors identified above and their organisations. Its content will be discussed at dedicated meetings and workshops over the coming months, and a final version will be published by the end of 2024.

Authors: Julien Rochette (IDDRI), Marine Lecerf (Ocean and Climate Platform), Matthieu Wemaëre (IDDRI), Loreley Picourt (Ocean and Climate Platform)