4th Edition of the Monaco Ocean Week: From Science to Sustainable Ocean Governance
“It is science that has convinced us of the urgency to act, it is in its name that we try to persuade those around us, and it is science that will help us construct a new development paradigm: a model based on innovative techniques which respect the environment.” H.S.H Prince Albert II
From March 22 to 28, 2021, will be held the 4th edition of the Monaco Ocean Week, an opportunity for the Ocean & Climate Platform and the Scientific Centre of Monaco to bring together a high-level panel of experts around the following issue: “Which Knowledge for Which Sustainable Ocean Governance?”.
Scheduled on Friday, March 26, 2021, from 2:30 to 4:30 PM (CET) and in partnership with CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Government of Monaco, this virtual event will be an opportunity to discuss issues regarding the fragmentation of ocean governance and to consider potential collective solutions.
Bringing together high-level experts on ocean science, governance and protection
Across the world and at varied scales of action, initiatives and propositions are emerging to unify and improve ocean management. To better highlight this set of visions and build bridges between stakeholders, our online event will host a broad high-level panel of experts on ocean science, protection and governance.
From a multitude of visions and frameworks of ocean governance…
During the first thematic session on: “Ocean visions and governance frameworks”, participants will overview the set of visions and definitions of the ocean and introduce the different scales and frameworks of its current governance.
… To a unified action for the sustainable ocean
The second session will hinge on the topic “From global visions to actions” and will focus on identifying current obstacles to the efficient protection of the marine environment. This session will also highlight the political, economic and scientific opportunities and initiatives at the international, regional and local levels allowing for a collective and sustainable ocean protection.
Get informed and attend our public session
Click on the link to attend our public session: https://4cast.fr/MC_O_W/room3.php
Click on the picture for the detailed programme.