The new report, “Ocean For Climate: Ocean-Related Measures in Climate Strategies (Nationally Determined Contributions, National Adaptation Plans, Adaptation Communications, and National Policy Frameworks)”, produced by the Because The Ocean initiative is now available ! It provides a suite of options for positive action which governments can take to increase the resilience of the ocean. Stemming from a series of workshops organized by the Because the Ocean initiative, and with the participation of representatives from 40 governments – (Santiago, Chile; Madrid, Spain; Suva, Fiji, and in the margins of UNFCCC COP23, Bonn and COP24, Katowice), the report contains a summary of some of the main findings of the SROCC, followed by pragmatic actions aimed at both mitigation and adaptation.
These include enhancement of Blue Carbon in coastal areas, sustainable, ocean-based renewable “Blue” energy; marine and coastal adaptation measures, and hybrid action (contributing to both mitigation and adaptation) in the fisheries/aquaculture and shipping sectors. This report points us in the direction of concrete actions that Parties could envisage. It is a timely document, especially as governments finalize their updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and consider including an Ocean component as part of this exercise.
Download the full Ocean for Climate report.