Celebrated every year, on June 8th, World Oceans Day was the opportunity for the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the Ocean & Climate Platform to point out oceans ’crucial part regarding sustainable development and climate related issues.
Decision-makers, experts, private sector representatives, NGOs and nonprofit organizations -gathered at UNESCO headquarters (in Paris) for a round table titled “From the Agreement to action”- pointed out the burdening threats to oceans (acidification, water temperature increase, coral bleaching, etc.). In light of these challenges, they highlighted the need and the urgency to take action.
« The state of the planet depends on the state of oceans » insisted, UNESCO Deputy Director General, Mr Getachew Engida, when speaking in the name of Director General, Mrs Irina Bokova. “In 2015, for the first time, the key role of oceans in sustainable development, poverty alleviation and human development was acknowledged at the highest level, with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” he added, before calling for a United Nations decade for oceans and the planet.
Concurrently, some members of the Ocean & Climate Platform organized a scientific conference at the Domaine du Rayol (Var, France) with HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco as opening speaker. Moroccan Minister of Environment and Climate Champion, Hakima El Haité, announced “a major event dedicated to oceans will take place in November in all areas of COP22 in Marrakech”. She also highlighted “the importance to have civil society, the scientific community and decision-makers work jointly”.
By means of a high mobilization, The UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the Ocean & Climate Platform contributed to the addition of oceans to the Paris Agreement in 2015 and to obtaining in 2016, a special Report dedicated to Oceans from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Less than six months from the next climate conference (COP22), the World Oceans Day was an opportunity to point out that it is now time to implement commitments of signatory States to the Paris Agreement.
For the Ocean & Climate Platform and the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), the development of scientific knowledge, better ocean governance and the implementation of the Paris Agreement are the priorities for the next few years. These organizations will host the 2nd Edition of the Ocean & Climate Forum during COP22 in November 2016.