The secretariat consists of the permanent team of the OCP. Thanks to its diversity and skills, the team invests itself on a daily basis to undertake the various missions of advocacy, knowledge dissemination and mobilisation.

Loreley Picourt is the Executive Director of the Ocean & Climate Platform. As a strong advocate for multilateral cooperation, she works for a better integration of the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus in decision-making at the national and international levels. At the UNFCCC, she is co-focal point for Ocean and Coastal Zones for the Marrakech Partnership-Global Climate Action Agenda, and also part of the Specialized Group of Ocean Experts of the Nairobi Work Programme on adaptation.
Loreley holds an MSc in Environmental Policy from the London School of Economics and a BSc in Environmental Economics & Management from the University of York (UK).

Théophile graduated with an MSc in Economic Policy and Agricultural Development at the University of La Sorbonne, Paris, France. With a background in West African agricultural systems governance, Theophile’s work within the Ocean & Climate Platform began on science related action, then on the preparation of the COP25 assisting the Because the Ocean initiative.

Victor Brun is “science to policy” coordinator at the Ocean & Climate Platform. Drawing on the expertise of the OCP’s scientific network, he works to build bridges between research and policy-making. Victor holds a master’s degree in environmental policies from Sciences Po and a Ph.D. in marine environmental sciences from the École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Gauthier Carle is Deputy Director General of the Ocean & Climate Platform and Coordinator of NGOs within the France Ocean Committee. Supporting the Executive Director, he is notably responsible for national advocacy to ensure better integration of ocean-climate-biodiversity issues into French public policies.
Gauthier holds a Master’s degree in Policies and Practices of International Organisations from Sciences Po Grenoble and a Master’s degree in Governance of Transition, Ecology, and Societies from AgroParisTech (France).

Anaïs Deprez is in charge of mobilization and communication at the Ocean & Climate Platform. Passionate about the multidisciplinary dimension of the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus, she works to disseminate the expertise of the members of the Ocean & Climate Platform network to decision-makers and the general public. Anaïs holds a Master’s degree in European Politics and Public Affairs from Sciences Po Strasbourg.

Passionate about the Ocean and human-landscape interactions, Lisa supports coastal cities and territories in their adaptation journey to the effects of sea level rise. She graduated with an MSc in Environmental Sustainability at the University of Edinburgh and has a background in collaborative governance. Previously to joining the Ocean & Climate Platform, she worked on reconciling the energy transition with biodiversity conservation.

Cyrielle Lâm works as International mobilisation and communication Project officer. She also assists the Head of Mobilisation and Communication on a regular basis.
Cyrielle holds a Master’s degree in International Relations with a specialisation in International Programme Management (IO/NGO) from the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3. Since the end of her studies, she has been working in non-governmental organisations in the field of environmental protection.

Marine Lecerf works toward strengthening international ocean governance, and promotes ocean-based solutions to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss. She holds a Master’s degree in International Cooperation from Sciences Po.

Olivia joined the Ocean & Climate Platform as a science-policy coordination intern and is now a science assistant. She has a Bachelor in Ecological and Environmental Sciences from the University of Edinburgh, where she specialised in oceanography and researched the impact of climate change on Southern Ocean phytoplankton.

Sarah works as Sea’ties, Climate Change & Coastal Adaptation / Scientific mediation Project Officer. She has notably worked on the launch of the Map of Solutions. She joined the team as a Communication and Mobilization assistant after completing a MSc in International Affairs at Sciences Po Bordeaux, France. After specializing in Environmental Policy at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, United States, she worked as a project assistant for a research and development programme on West Africa’s seagrass beds.

Currently a Masters student in Environmental Policy at Sciences Po Paris, Noé has joined the Ocean & Climate Platform as a national advocacy intern, where he is also helping to run the France Ocean Committee. Passionate about ocean issues, he will be focusing mainly on national-level challenges.

Tess joined the Ocean & Climate Platform as an intern supporting the Coastal Cities Adaptation team. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Humanities – Law, Economics, and Management from the University of Paris Nanterre and was enrolled in a Master’s program in Environnemental Territorial Planning at the University of Strasbourg. She then pursued a Master’s degree in “Knowledge on Ecology” at Sciences Po Strasbourg and is particularly interested in cities’ adaptation to climate change.

Alice joined the OCP Team as a support intern for the Mobilisation and Communication team. She graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a degree in Sustainability, where she developed a Communication Toolkit for restoration farmers. Her expertise lies in communicating sustainable projects with a speciality in community outreach.