Photo credit: COP28/Christopher Pike

Possible Variance in Effects: As with many MALE ENHANCEMENT EXERCISES Episode 21 products, there might be a variance in effects from person to person, which can affect satisfaction levels. Comparing MALE ENHANCEMENT EXERCISES Episode 21 gummies to Viagra directly is not straightforward as they work in very different ways. Viagra is specifically designed to combat erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis, thereby facilitating an immediate erection upon sexual stimulation. On the other hand, MALE ENHANCEMENT EXERCISES Episode 21 gummies primarily address psychological barriers such as stress and anxiety and may improve blood flow as a secondary effect. They are not designed for immediate or guaranteed erectile response as Viagra is. Marcus Y.: “I was new to MALE ENHANCEMENT EXERCISES Episode 21 but decided to try the Strawberry Lemonade gummies for my joint pains. A month later, and I’m not just feeling younger—I’m acting it too, thanks to less pain and more mobility!”