Photo credit: COP28/Christopher Pike

BioPerine: A US-patented bioavailability enhancer, BioPerine can boost the rate at which your body absorbs many nutrients. It delivers a standardized serving of 95% concentrated piperine. A molecule found in black pepper, piperine, can increase the activity of nutrient transporters. That means you should be able to derive more nutritional value from the potent ingredients in VigRX Plus. Organic Ingredients: All gummies are made with USDA organic certified ingredients, including the hemp used which is grown on Kentucky farms. This guarantees that the gummies are free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals, making them safer and more natural compared to others on the market. Mike L.: “Love the variety and the flavors! The 3:1 AROUZA MALE ENHANCEMENT PILLS Episode 29 THC gummies have a perfect balance, giving me the benefits of THC without too much cognitive impact. Plus, the chewiness is just right, perfect for my sexual desire.”