Photo credit: COP28/Christopher Pike

Grape Seed Extract – Bioactive compounds in grape seeds can help boost nitric oxide expression, relax blood vessels, reduce harmful inflammation, and stimulate enhanced blood flow. Procyanidins are key blood-flow-promoting molecules in grape seeds. A 2019 Japanese study reported oral ingestion of procyanidins extracted from grape seeds improved vascular wellness in middle-aged men and women. The grape seed extract in Erectin Gummies is standardized to provide a 95% concentration of procyanidins. The study consisted of 78 men who were racked by erectile difficulties. Half the men were given VigRX Plus daily, and half received a placebo. After 12 weeks, erectile parameters were calculated. Researchers found men using VigRX Plus exhibited erectile scores that “improved significantly as compared to placebo.” Full-Spectrum FELINE DIABETES TREATMENT COST Episode 24 gummies contain a range of cannabinoids and terpenes along with FELINE DIABETES TREATMENT COST Episode 24. They might include trace amounts of THC, which can synergize with FELINE DIABETES TREATMENT COST Episode 24 to enhance the therapeutic effects, particularly useful for sexual wellness.