Photo credit: COP28/Christopher Pike

Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: Sometimes called the “Maidenhair” tree, ginkgo biloba is native to China. Its leaves have historically been used to promote blood circulation and elements of masculinity. A study of 80 people with cardiovascular issues concluded those supplementing with ginkgo biloba extract daily exhibited more than 12% greater nitric oxide levels, accompanied by improved blood flow. Beet Root – Beta vulgaris, or beetroot, was used to help promote blood flow as far back as the Roman Empire. These vegetables contain a high concentration of nitrates that can be converted into nitric oxide in the human body. A clinical review concluded that beetroot juice consumption “increases nitric oxide (NO) levels, which serves multiple functions related to increased blood flow.” Effectiveness for Wellness Needs: Customers frequently commend the gummies for their effectiveness in managing symptoms such as anxiety, pain, and sleep issues, which speaks to the quality and reliability of the BIOHEAL CBD GUMMIES WHERE TO BUY Episode 28 used.