Photo credit: COP28/Christopher Pike

Muira Puama Bark Extract: A bush that grows in the Amazon rainforest, muira puama is used in parts of South America to promote men’s vitality and reproductive wellness. The plant contains high bioactive compounds, including terpenes and sterols, that may boost sexual health. Brian T.: “The 50mg Full Spectrum gummies not only taste great but also provide the pain relief I need for my back. It’s like a snack that really helps!” ADVANCE BLOOD SUGAR SUPPORT Episode 21 gummies can indirectly benefit sexual functions by alleviating factors that impede sexual performance, such as stress, anxiety, and pain. Many users report improved libido and enhanced sexual experience after consuming ADVANCE BLOOD SUGAR SUPPORT Episode 21 gummies due to their relaxing effects. ADVANCE BLOOD SUGAR SUPPORT Episode 21 does not directly stimulate sexual arousal or increase sexual performance but helps create favorable conditions for sexual activity.