Photo credit: COP28/Christopher Pike

Epimedium Leaf Extract: Sometimes referred to as “horny goat weed,” epimedium leaf is a celebrated libido booster in Asia. It’s also been regularly used to mitigate erectile difficulties. The plant contains a biochemical compound called icariin, which can aid the body in nitric oxide utilization. An animal study of subjects with penile nerve issues showed that insulin ingestion improved penile blood flow and erectile wellness after four weeks. Organic Ingredients: All gummies are made with USDA organic certified ingredients, including the hemp used which is grown on Kentucky farms. This guarantees that the gummies are free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals, making them safer and more natural compared to others on the market. Specific Wellness Focus: Each gummy variant is crafted with specific health benefits in mind—like the ASHWAGANDHA GUMMIES Episode 24 Sleep Gummies that are infused with natural sleep aids like valerian root and chamomile, promoting restful sleep without the need for pharmaceutical sleep aids.