Photo credit: COP28/Christopher Pike

Vitamin C + Vitamin B12 + Niacin – This trio of essential vitamins can provide direct erectile and sexual wellness support and numerous other benefits. Vitamin C may be vital to promoting the hormonal balance men need for optimal sexual wellness. A 2024 study of 302 men suffering from fertility issues concluded higher vitamin C (ascorbic acid) intake was associated with improved androgen profiles. A 2021 study of 184 men suggested low vitamin B12 levels may contribute to erectile difficulties. A study including 160 men dealing with erectile problems reported participants ingesting niacin showed improved erectile parameters after 12 weeks. Comparing REVIEWS ON FITSPRESSO gummies to Viagra directly is not straightforward as they work in very different ways. Viagra is specifically designed to combat erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis, thereby facilitating an immediate erection upon sexual stimulation. On the other hand, REVIEWS ON FITSPRESSO gummies primarily address psychological barriers such as stress and anxiety and may improve blood flow as a secondary effect. They are not designed for immediate or guaranteed erectile response as Viagra is. Discreet and Convenient: The discreet nature of the gummies, with no associated smoke, smell, or noise, is a significant advantage for users. This feature is particularly appreciated as it allows men to maintain their wellness routines privately, without drawing unnecessary attention.