Photo credit: COP28/Christopher Pike

Grape Seed Extract – Bioactive compounds in grape seeds can help boost nitric oxide expression, relax blood vessels, reduce harmful inflammation, and stimulate enhanced blood flow. Procyanidins are key blood-flow-promoting molecules in grape seeds. A 2019 Japanese study reported oral ingestion of procyanidins extracted from grape seeds improved vascular wellness in middle-aged men and women. The grape seed extract in Erectin Gummies is standardized to provide a 95% concentration of procyanidins. L-Arginine: Highly concentrated in red meat, chicken, fish, and some dairy products, L-arginine is an amino acid that acts as a vasodilator. It can help blood vessels to relax and allow more blood to pass through. A 2019 clinical review concluded studies indicate L-arginine can benefit erectile wellness in men dealing with mild erectile difficulties. Discreet and Convenient: The discreet nature of the gummies, with no associated smoke, smell, or noise, is a significant advantage for users. This feature is particularly appreciated as it allows men to maintain their wellness routines privately, without drawing unnecessary attention.