Photo credit: COP28/Christopher Pike

Tribulus Terrestris: A type of puncture vine, Tribulus terrestris has been reported to enhance men’s libido and promote reproductive capacity. A clinical analysis published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology indicated studies suggest that tribulus terrestris can help reduce erectile difficulties and boost libido. Beet Root – Beta vulgaris, or beetroot, was used to help promote blood flow as far back as the Roman Empire. These vegetables contain a high concentration of nitrates that can be converted into nitric oxide in the human body. A clinical review concluded that beetroot juice consumption “increases nitric oxide (NO) levels, which serves multiple functions related to increased blood flow.” BEN CARSON BIOHEAL Episode 23 gummies can indirectly benefit sexual functions by alleviating factors that impede sexual performance, such as stress, anxiety, and pain. Many users report improved libido and enhanced sexual experience after consuming BEN CARSON BIOHEAL Episode 23 gummies due to their relaxing effects. BEN CARSON BIOHEAL Episode 23 does not directly stimulate sexual arousal or increase sexual performance but helps create favorable conditions for sexual activity.