Photo credit: COP28/Christopher Pike

“I’ve used Erectin Gummies for a couple of months. They’re helping me have some of the best sex of my life. Seriously, my erections are so powerful. My girl is jumping me every time I walk through the door, and I’m ready to perform for her. It’s wild.” Full Spectrum Formulations: Cornbread Hemp gummies offer a 25:1 MALE ENHANCEMENT VITAMINS Episode 15 to THC ratio, utilizing the full spectrum of hemp’s cannabinoids which enhances the entourage effect. This means that users get not just MALE ENHANCEMENT VITAMINS Episode 15 but also other beneficial cannabinoids that improve the gummies’ overall therapeutic effectiveness. The study consisted of 78 men who were racked by erectile difficulties. Half the men were given VigRX Plus daily, and half received a placebo. After 12 weeks, erectile parameters were calculated. Researchers found men using VigRX Plus exhibited erectile scores that “improved significantly as compared to placebo.”