Photo credit: COP28/Christopher Pike

Beet Root – Beta vulgaris, or beetroot, was used to help promote blood flow as far back as the Roman Empire. These vegetables contain a high concentration of nitrates that can be converted into nitric oxide in the human body. A clinical review concluded that beetroot juice consumption “increases nitric oxide (NO) levels, which serves multiple functions related to increased blood flow.” Damiana Leaf: A short plant that grows throughout Central America, damiana (Turnera diffusa) was used as a libido promoter by indigenous groups in and around Mexico. An animal study reported that male subjects who ingested a large serving of damiana leaf mixed with a smaller serving of yohimbine (a natural alkaloid) engaged in far more sexual activity than their peers. It’s recommended to send any return packages back within 60 days of the date you received them. That way, they arrive at the manufacturer’s facilities within 67 days.